Ahsoka Plot SPOILER Rumors Regarding Thrawn | Barside Buzz

Today we are sharing the latest updates Barside Buzz Claiming details Ahsoka plot Spoiler Rumors about Thrawn. The search for Thrawn, and this Ezra has long been known to be the driving force behind it Ahsoka series. However, recent rumors point to more than one group of people hunting Thrawn.

**Potential Ahsoka plot spoilers below**

As you’d expect, if it’s true it counts Spoilers to set up the show. The information comes from MSW which has a very good hit rate. I will also say that this site will share all the legit plots they hear, including big surprises and endings. Previously, the site shared the entire plot by episode of Obi and Ann Kenobi. At the time I backed off, but they were 75-80% accurate when I went back after watching.

That’s why I won’t go any further with the plot Spoilers. LRM Will continue to cover smaller details and casting/character info though Ahsoka hits I… well, I honestly just don’t want to spoil myself, because I spoil everything that makes this work. I try to stay at least a little clean Star Wars So I can guess the canteen Appearance. So if you want all the juice before the release, keep an eye out for the outlet linked here.

But for now, here’s the basic foot-in-the-face assumption Ahsoka.

Basic premise of Ahsoka – The Search For Thrawn

This is all copy pasta from the outlet.

“In the last report, I stated how I believe Star Wars: Ahsoka was actually cut into two parts. The first part deals with Sabin’s story problems and The New Republic, while the second part is actually going to find Ezra Bridger in the place where he was swept away by the Purrgils alongside Grand Admiral Thrawn and his fleet of Star Destroyers.”

“Sources tell me Morgan Elisabeth is all over it Star Wars: Ahsoka.”

“Rumor has it that Morgan Elsbeth didn’t just chill Corvis in her villa during The Mandalorian Chapter 13: The Jedi She extracted resources from Earth to build a ship capable of returning Grand Admiral Theron to the core worlds. It must be a difficult place to get to with some obstacles to overcome. Morgan never stopped production on her war machine when the Empire fell, Dean even mentions that it looks like she’s still in business and that line is significant to this story.”

“Morgan Elisabeth is connected to Bailon and his apprentice named Shin in the core worlds and takes the Force users with her to bring Thrawn in the second part of the series. Bailon and Shin are in both parts of the story.”

Related: Mon Mothma rumored to appear in Mandalorian S3 and Ahsoka | Barside Buzz

“These two dropouts from the Jedi way are allies of Theron and are accompanying the night nurse Morgan Elisabeth to the Unknown Regions to bring Theron home and help him with his deeper agenda. There they will find Theron with His new bodyguard named Enoch who looks like a golden Destro from GI Joe with samurai influences”.

The outlet speculates a bit about timelines and then wraps things up with this below.

“To emphasize, the story is about a witch armed with two ex-Jedi who travel to an unknown region in a tool that takes effort to build on Corbis and somehow Ahsoka and Sabin follow the Night Sister and her allies there. A big battle will take place in a location I believe will be called The Nodian Highlands.”

There’s enough there to not feel like the story is spoiled for me, it’s just basic information. As stated above, the problem for me will be when the details in between start filling in as well. So it’s far for me Ahsoka Spoilers.

How about these Ahsoka Plot spoiler rumors we shared? As always, leave any thoughts you have below in the usual place.
