Don’t Open the Box | Film Threat

Sean Brathnach’s short horror film, Do not open the boxConfirms the idea that if you open your door at night and there is a mysterious package…Do not open the box!

John Ryan Howard plays Mike, a father who helps work around the house. His first mistake was answering the doorbell late at night and then picking up the mysterious package at the front door. At least he had enough sense to check on his daughter’s composure upstairs. Curiosity gets the best of Mike as he opens the package and may unleash something sinister.

“… opens the package and maybe to release something evil.”

Do not open the box It’s tight and efficient, running in just under four minutes. Filmmaker Sean Brathnach does a good job of building tension, creating his ominous visitor and playing around with cool off-the-shelf special effects. This is a good step for a filmmaker who wants to enter the horror genre. The only weakness of the film is that the story deals with the narrative and the box stories and doesn’t really dive into the backstory or why this house was chosen. In the end, you really want something more than a straight narrative.

For screening information about Do not open the boxVisit the Irish horror site.
