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“Inspired by real events”
The Godless: The Eastfield Exorcism
is a 2023 Australian horror film about a tormented woman named Lara, torn between science and faith. Pushed by her husband to seek treatment from a cult of fanatics, a ruthless exorcist will try to save her soul by putting an innocent woman through a living hell…

Directed by Nick Kozakis from a screenplay written by Alexander Angliss-Wilson.


“we […] See how justifying actions with religion helps maintain the full force of the law. There are deeper criticisms here than those directed at the film’s main antagonists. Kozakis also makes the wise choice to hold back on depictions of Lara in good health, so that when we finally see what she has the potential to be, the horror hits all the harder.” 3 out of 5, An eye for the film

The Godless: The Eastfield Exorcism It is a tough and sometimes quite brutal watch. The performance of the film does not waver. This is a possession film where the demon takes a back seat to the unrelenting violence men inflict on a young woman who refuses to give up her agency. Meanwhile, even the most difficult moments are contrasted with fascinating and exciting performances.” 7.5 out of 10, A horror buzz

heretic Skillfully composed, with a great many ideas; It would simply have been a much more satisfying experience if any of these ideas had been implemented with much more conviction. The moments of horror are too few and far between, and the basic plot of the film gets a little lost, and it’s a shame because it’s really quite wonderful and heartbreaking.” 3 out of 5, DNA horror

“An Australian Trait The Godless: The Eastfield Exorcism (2023) avoids the clichés of movies dealing with vomiting, dizzy, demon-possessed people in favor of dealing with religious beliefs versus the question of mental health behind the alleged objects. The result is a fascinating film that, in the end, is as heartbreaking as it is chilling.” Horror fuel

“I spent a lot of time wondering if the film itself knows who is right and wrong. The film ultimately stakes its case, but until that point you have to trust the foreboding outcome in order to make any kind of judgment about who to attack.” A Nightmare on Movie Street


“The film is a team effort of a fantastic cast, solid direction, a great script and a team that came together to create this immersive world. Godless attacks not only the biblical demons but our inner demons as well. Showing the evil that humans naturally have inside takes a standard exorcism movie to another level. New exorcism movies would do well to see what it takes to change the traditional story.” 3.5 out of 5, Too honest movie reviews

“It certainly delivers all the full scenes of this subgenre (the rituals, the battle of wills, the abject resistance to the holy postures, the demonic invasions); but at the same time, it tries not so much to scare us into the pulpit as to open our minds to reason. Although she always respects organized religion, she is critical of its more unruly chapters, and illustrates both the gray area that can exist between blind faith and stupid openness, and the damage that faith itself can cause to those in need of real help.” projected figures

“For those who want to see levitation, spinning heads or telekinetic projections, this is not that kind of exorcism. It is based on reality, and the seemingly possessed young woman is a woman struggling with mental illness, and although she sees demons, there No Demons at play, and the horror comes from seeing short-sighted bigots turn off their brains and let this poor woman suffer terribly.” 4 out of 5, The scariest things


Actors and characters:
Georgia Ayers… Lara Lavonda
Dan Ewing… Ron Lavonda
Tim Pocock … Daniel James King
Rosie Trainor… Barbara
John Wood … Detective Chambers
Eliza Matango… Doctor Marissa Walsh
Ella Bourne … Ellie Johnston
Sunny S. Wallia… Lance
Karelia Kapuza… Officer Kim Jones
Hugh Sexton … plumber/sunburnt man
Alexander Angliss-Wilson … injured 1
Susie Batch … member of Bible group 3
Elizabeth Bennet … church member 6
Dylan Bann … the boy
Leanne Campbell … church member 2
Barbara Davis … member of Bible Group 1
Andy De Ross… Demon
Vance Dickey … member of Bible Group 4
Joe Dintini… Policeman
Madeline Claire French… Olivia

Photographing places:
Hepburn Springs, Victoria, Australia

Filming dates:
November 11, 2021 – December 15, 2021

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